Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Okay, so classes started back up yesterday plus still trying to balance work. Well, Monday started out just a little bit trippy for me. I came into work and sitting at my desk listening to Neil Diamond having a good morning so far. While I am sitting at my desk I keep hearing, meow, meow, meow. UM, look outside the window, no cat. Continue typing hear it again, meow, meow, meow. Ask Leticia do you hear anything (of course the cat does not meow while she is back in my office) um, no. Melanie, are you losing it? Probably. Go on with my work, I hear a rustling and a big meow underneath the floor, K' I know I am a little off, but this is just nuts. Leticia comes back to my office again, we stand in my office calling here kitty, kitty. Jeff comes in the back door, "What are you doing?" I tell him I think there is a cat under the building. Oh, yeah I think there is one under there too. He must have crawled under there when we were hooking up the hot water heater. I heard him the other day. Um, okay. Well, you gonna leave him under there or going to get him out? Oh, I will send Dee under there later. Its 11:00, time to go.

Well, off to Twin for classes left in good time shouldn't be late. Um, getting on the interstate was a bit scary one semi in the left lane one trying to get on I am stuck in the middle. Crap, hit my brakes so the bozo coming on doesn't just plow me over. Can't get in the other lane because of the semi and a van riding it tail. PLINK, great another rock chip. Um, wonder where that one landed. Keep driving.............................. about 20 minutes later BBBBBOOOOOOOOOMMMM. What the heck, glass shattered all over my left side down on the floor. I grab myself feeling if I was hurt anywhere. Thank goodness no, scared YESSSSS!!! Call my own personal Rescue Ranger, Mr. Clark. Hank my drivers side window just blew out, him WHAT?????? Um, yeah window is gone. K' let me get back to the house, put the horse up and I will come trade you vehicles. Fab, get to drive the gas hog to Twin, can't do this all week. Call the insurance, call Crawfords, they could have it done possibly today or tomorrow. Great, call Gpa Fred and Gma Joyce they are in town, great. They can pick Hank up at Crawfords and take him home. Hank gets to the Kasota exit trades me cars, I am sure he shook his head back all the way to Burley. When he traded me cars he very nicely asks, please don't break anything else. (See the van just got out of the auto shop on Friday due to a tranny leak, like that was my fault, LOL). Off to Twin I go again, now about 30 min late for class.

Get to class, instructor had received my message about my little mishap. Class was going to be all hunky dory until she informed us that we would be driving to Twin everyday and we could not do our field experience in Burley. WHAT!!!!!!!! The five of us that drive decide we will talk to someone a little higher up the totem pole before we commit to driving everyday.

Head back to Burley, Crawford's call my van is done. YEAH!!! Call mom & dad see if they are in town, mom rides to town with dad to pick up my van. Cameron is at therapy, go pick up Kambrie from therapy take her to tumbling. They had their just for fun meet, she did well. Go to voice lessons. I am sitting in the driveway waiting for her to finish, I feel something move the truck, think awe it was nothing. Feel it again, turn on the cargo light but can't see anything. Um, next thing I know a cat comes walking down over the windsheild, damn cat. Scare me to death, I haven't had enough of that today. Kambrie jumps in the truck we head home. Took a nice long bath, watched a little t.v., helped Kambrie w/ her homework and went to bed.

Oh, and about the cat under the office building nobody got him out on Monday. He meowed again today. I go and uncover the manhole, yell here kitty, kitty. Jeff acted like they were going to just ignore it for a little bit longer until Leticia and I figured out where he was. He was down by my internet and computer cords. Leticia says maybe that is why our internet has kept going down the last few days. So, Jeff finally sent Dee down to find the kitty. He came out scraggly black cat that is pretty friendly. Glad is out and that I am not crazy....


Mindy said...

It is lucky for you Mondays only come ONCE A WEEK!!
Sorry I wasn't any help in all of your mayhem!!

And I laughed when I read that Hank asked you not to break anything else. That is that Henry that we all know and love!!

Hope you have a better day!

Kenna said...

Gotta love a great Monday!
Glad somebody saved the poor cat though- way to go!

Melissa said...

Hopefully your week will pick up and get better! I laughed about Hank's comment too, because that is EXACTLY what Tyler would have said to me!

Wingnut said...

HOW scary!! Thank goodness you were able to keep your head together!!