Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 9th - March 15th

Let's see Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were all about the same. I went into work for a little while to try and get some things figured out. Then of course it was off to school. This week we were in the classroom for these three days. Nothing overly eventful in the school this week. Monday evening we worked in a little FHE which is always good for us. It gives us a chance to sit and talk and get caught up on things going on. Wednesday night the kiddos went to mutual. Hank finished painting the trim in my room for me, YAY!!!! He has been working on my room and I soooooooo appreciate it. Tinkerbelle thinks my closet doors make a great perch for her furry little buns.

Thursday, March 12th Kambrie and I went to the Dr. to get looked over. He believes that the accident caused something to tear in my arm and to take it easy with it for a little while. Kambrie he said does have some lower back strain but she should be good to go. She just needs to ease into things and not over do it. Thursday, we were in lecture for our class time hoping to get prepped for our midterm. Our professor didn't cover much of it leaving us all with some major anxiety. Like that is what I needed this week.

When I returned from Twin Falls we went up to Parent Teacher Conferences. The kids are doing well and trying hard. Kambrie had all A's and B's with a C in Band. LOL!! She told me she doesn't lie about practicing when she hasn't, so I can't really punish her there. She has wanted to quit Band for some time now but signed a contract for the year, which won't kill her to finish out. Cameron's grades are good he has been working hard on bringing them up. He had A's and B's with 2 C's one in Geometry and one in Chemistry. Can't say that my grades in those two subjects were any better. The teachers complimented me on my kids behavior. Cameron's English teacher said she really enjoyed having Cameron in class, he was always respectful to her. We sat with Mr. Sager for quite sometime and just chatted. He shared a few stories with us from he and dad used to work together. I love hearing old stories. He says Cameron works hard in his class. Cameron had asked if he could have a few friends over to roast hot dogs and just to hang out. I told him it would be fine. Planned on about 5 or 6 boys by 10:00 p.m I had about 20 kids in backyard huddled around the fire. It was plenty chilly out but they seemed to have a good time.

Friday morning I stopped into work for a little bit then off to take my midterm. YUCK!! We got to class and took the midterm, which was an hour of essay writing. My arm was killing me by the time we were done. Come to find out it was a lesson to us on how not to test our own students by testing them on information they have not been given. Kind of a cruel learning experience I guess. Friday night I spent most of the night preparing for my PRAXIS II. Hank went to work, Cameron went to Island Park with dad, and Kambrie was partying it up at Macy's.

Saturday, UGH!!!!!!! Hank called me at 6:15 as I had requested. I was to be in Twin Falls ready to test at 7:30 a.m. I took the first exam which was a 2 hour content knowledge exam. I don't think it went too bad the only section I am really worried about is the Social Studies section, the math and science didn't seem too difficult. Maybe because I have to help Kambrie so much with her math. After that exam I had about 20 minutes to use the restroom, eat something, and go over my other notes. Then it was back into the testing room where I tested for another 2 hours this time it was all essay. My arm was killing me by the time I was done. After that I headed home, when I got home I went right back to bed. I was drained. I had a nice long nap. Kambrie had gone to the Idaho Falls museum with Mom, Mindy, Scott and all the kids. Hank got up and headed to work and I got ready to go to Tony's wedding reception with Mom, Mindy and all the clan. We had a good time visiting and singing along the way. We called and left a singing telegram on Marlea's phone. It was good to see Mike and Brenda and their kids. Tony's wife seems like a nice gal. Little Lyra has gotten so big since the last time I saw her. I hope things work out well for all of them. Jeff's little ones have grown a bunch too, Kambrie was happy to see little miss Mallorie. They all danced together and had a good time. Dad and Cameron returned from Island Park safe and sound. Cameron had a blast, all he can talk about is getting a new machine. :P He's going to have to save some $$ first.

Sunday, March 15th I woke up this morning feeling miserable. I am sure I picked up the nasty cold Cameron had last week. I slept in then went into work for a few hours to get caught up from the week. I came home fixed dinner and sent Hank off to work. I worked on my lesson plans a little bit, they are due tomorrow. All 6 of them, I am teaching my 1st graders the Life Cycle of a Plant. Cameron ran into town to get a spark plug for his scooter. When he came home he had brought me home a dozen red roses and a Thank You card. I looked at him kinda funny like what is this all about. I flat out asked him, "What did you do?" He said, "nothing". So then it was, "What do you want?" He again said, "Nothing". He said Brother Nebeker had challenged them in Young Men's to do this just to see how we would respond. I responded exactly the way he told them I would.

Well, suppose I better get busy on my plans. At least I am caught up for the week too. :) Have a great week.


Mindy said...

I was wondering why Hank sent you flowers..... until I read the end of the post. Cameron is a good kid. Don't know how you lucked out. ;D ha. ha.
Good luck with your lesson plans.

Kenna said...

Ew gross- the Praxis! I was very pregnant with Rigdon the day I took mine and my feet swelled up so big from sitting all day that I had to stop and buy some flip flops on my way home cause my shoes were squeezing my feet off- I wore the ugly things for the next month until he was born because the swelling never went away! Good times.
If I remember right, they don't even turn the Social Studies scores into the state/ISU so it doesn't really matter.