Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Trying to catch up, May & June

I cannot believe how time flies by anymore. It used to drag not sure why but I DON’T LIKE IT!!!

May ~
It has been awhile since I posted so I am trying to play catch up, so bear with me. :D The last I posted it was the first part of May, Cameron was getting ready to graduate and there seemed to be so much going on. We worked all winter to finish the basement, which turned out great. I love it, still need to furnish it though. A little patience and little time and it too will happen. ;)

This was a little extra bonus for ordering too much shelving. Hank & Cameron built in a little food storage for me in my pantry.

The end of May was busy with Graduation plans, subbing, dance recitals, etc. Cameron’s graduation was an exciting and sad day for me. I was excited for him as he was soooooo ready to move on and discover life beyond high school. It was a fun and exciting day as we had a big party with family and friends before the Graduation ceremony that night. I helped chaperone the Senior Party that night. The kids had lots of fun and were given some great prizes. I got to bed around 5 a.m. then got up to sub for Mrs. Hartwell the next day, talk about tired and dragging.

Kambrie had fun dancing with En Pointe this year and learning how to dance in Pointe shoes. She really enjoys dancing and making new friends. This year they performed Anastasia, I really enjoyed watching their performances.

Kambrie also tried her hat at running barrels and poles at different competitions here close by. She is fun to watch and has a lot of work to do but does pretty well for the amount of time she has put into it. Dad is always watching to see when to sign her up and where. I am glad they have something to do together they both enjoy.

The end of May always ends with a bang as we all set out for our first camping trip of the season at Indian Hot Springs. This year definitely didn’t let us down, LOL! It was nice to get away from everything and spend time with family. Hank & I had gone for a ride on Sunday, just for fun. He had seen a bunch of cars headed out past the campground and down a dirt road. So, we were curious where everyone was going. We followed dusty, winding road for a quite a way before we finally discovered where everyone was going. We have gone to Indian Hot Springs for YEARS, and not until this year did we discover that every year the hummingbirds migrate through this area. Tucked back in the mountain there is a little house and every year they catch and mark the hummingbirds migrating through the area. I couldn’t believe all the people back there watching the humming birds. They would catch them, and then mark them with a small dot of paint, then place them in the kids hands and allow them to let them go. Some of the humming birds took right off, while others lay there still for a moment or two. I have never seen so many humming birds flitting around; it was really kind of cool. So, Hank and I headed back to camp to gather up anybody else that was interested in watching the humming birds. The kids enjoyed watching them and letting them go.

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