Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

Well, ok so she isn't a baby anymore. Kambrie Dawn turned 12 years old today. I cannot believe 12 years has gone by so quickly. I remember the day I brought her home and how excited I was. She has been so much fun to have in my life. When she was little I loved picking out her clothes and dressing her up, I can't do that anymore she picks out her own clothes and has her sense of style. Kambrie is fun and bubbly to be around, her smile is infectious. She is a true blessing in my life and will always be my baby girl. Happy Birthday Weedles.

Love you,



Mindy said...

Happy Birthday to Kambrie! I agree that is hard to believe Kambrie is 12 and going out of Primary. :) It doesn't seem like that long ago that you would drop her off at my apartment in Burley and I would take care of her and Macy. We would go to the library or pool, and she was a gremlin in a high chair. She would steal Macy's hotdog right out of her hand. She would beg food of of Scott's plate. She would pull pretty ponytail's out of her hair, right after her Mommy put them in. :) Later in life, she would join Hallie & Macy for tea parties and serve cheetos and water. She spent lots of days with us at the pool. She has been my baby too. I loved taking care of her. I can honestly say those were the best days of my life, staying home and taking care of three busy, beautiful girls. I remember they would pick sunflowers, paint pumpkins, fix hair, dance, dress up with make up and they made the lady at Sears Portrait Studio sweat. :)
May all your birthday wishes come true
love you lots --
Aunt Mindy

jeff and char said...

kambrie was so much fun at the slumber party we are glad she is in young womens now!