Thursday, July 2, 2009

Where did JUNE go???????

Could someone please tell me where the month of June went? I have never had a summer fly by so quickly. It hasn't even felt like much of a summer since we have received so much rain. UGH!! So what have we done this month? UMMMMMM, not much really.

On June 6th we had our sheep weigh in, all went well there. HOORaY, as I was worried about Cameron's lambs tail being long enough. So far so good.

Kambrie has been babysitting her little cousin Finley on Tuesdays, she has so much fun tending her. I swear she tries on every outfit Kodi packs and does her hair 2 or 3 times a day. She is a good little baby for Kambrie to watch, every now and then we have Laney too. Laney is a good helper for Kambrie and loves to play Bratz.

Mom, Grandma, Valerie, Mindy and all of the kids decided they would enjoy an afternoon of getting ripped off at the Circus. Once you realize you are going to pay out the nose for everything in there you can relax and have a good time. LOL!!!! I met them over at the Circus after I had gotten off of work, I don't think I could have sat through all of it. The kids enjoyed riding the elephant, eating cotton candy, going down the slide, and watching the acts. Kyson thoroughly enjoyed his nachos, especially the cheese.

Cameron and Kambrie went on their Super Activity to Salt Lake City. They camped in Honeyville. I can't say that they slept from the sounds of it Kambrie did very little sleeping. LOL!! I guess the Beehives got very little sleep and zip tied tents closed. Little stinkers. They had fun visiting Temple Square, Shriners Hospital, and the Bishop's storehouse.

We celebrated Cameron's 17th birthday with a little backyard BBQ. I went to town to get groceries that morning. When I returned we received a lovely rainstorm, I was just getting ready to bake my cakes when we lost all of our power. It was out from around 1:00 pm until 7:30 pm, so I ended up going back to town to buy a cake. Good thing we were just frying burgers on the grill. The kids had a good time eating and visiting then took off to the teen dance.

Grandma Joyce also celebrated a birthday this month. I called to wish her a happy birthday as her and Grandpa were headed fishing at Salmon Dam. Grandma has always been lots of fun to do things with. We razz her every now and then, she is always a good sport. She has always been willing to help us and enjoys spending time with the kids. I hope I can be as fun loving as a grandma as she is. Love you Grandma, hope you had a happy birthday.

We celebrated Father's day at mom and dad's with a big pot of spaghetti and peach cobbler. I am very lucky to have a dad, a grandfather, and a husband that would do anything for you. They are all good role models for my children. I appreciate all that they do for us.

We have been busy with horse 4-H and spent a few evenings down at the arena. This year Hallie is taking horse 4-H with her horse Bullseye. Her and Kambrie have fun riding and working with their horses. Jake remembers Kambrie from last summer and usually meets her at the gate when we pull in to get him. It is fun to go down and watch everybody ride.

The kids and I had fun going to the D.I. and looking for bargains. Kambrie found 2 pair of Aeropostale pants, a Hollister shirt, and Nollie shirt at the D.I. Her yard sales finds 6 shirts all Aeropostale, Abercrombie, Hollister shirts. Cameron found 2 pair of Aeropostale pants, 1 pair of GAP pants, 1 pair of wrangler work pants, 2 American Eagle shirts, and 2 Old navy shirts. All were in excellent condition. I usually go in looking for work pants because I hate paying full price for work pants that are going to get ruined quickly. We were happy with our finds.

Finally to wrap up the month we took a little Sunday drive down to Cauldron Linn. It was really pretty. The water is so high and moving so quickly it created falls over the rocks that are normally dry and covered with sage brush. We had a nice little drive around Murtaugh Lake then headed on home.

That is about all that happened throughout the month of June other than I have been busy with housework, 4-H meetings and working a couple days a week doing books.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Love DI shopping with you!! HOpe we can score some more good buys. :D
Your pics of Cauldron Linn (sp?) are great. Nice job.
I am sure Finley loves to visit Kambrie on Tuesday, all that attention.... what's a girl to do?