Sunday, November 16, 2008

Last Weeks Happenings

Well, where to begin it was a busy week.

Monday - Monday, Monday, Monday, let's see I went to work, stayed over a little while to get somethings done for the tax audit on Thursday. I went up to the school to get Kambrie and to see how she would do on her Hunters Ed test. After 45 minutes of pure torture, not so much the test itself just all of the chaos that was going on while she was taking it, she passed the test. I suppose it worked to her advantage, she still has a lot to learn about hunting safety. After the test we went to tumbling and voice lessons as usual. Then home we went, dinner then bed.

Tuesday - Tuesday I can't remember much of all I know is I ran payroll then took off to Poky for my class. We had a test which I think I did pretty well on. Oh, I know we had the Fireworks Fundraiser up at Declo that night as well. Kim and I help run the bake good sale. There were lots of goodies and overall I think it did pretty well.

Wednesday - I know I went to work stayed over to get things done for the tax audit on Thursday. UGH!! I will be soooooo glad when it is over with. Honestly, I don't know what else went on Wednesday. Cameron went to mutual, I think the rest of us just loafed around all evening. Still scratchin' my head trying to remember. LOL!!

Thursday - Well, it was a quite stressful morning the tax auditor came to go over all the schedules to see what we could zero out. The accountant has requested a little more time to gather a few more things that we need. The auditor left around noon just about that time the power went out as someone had hit a power pole down by our business. The power was out clear through lunch which was good because it was nice and quiet. Not much you can do when the power is out. I came home from work and tried to take a short nap, I hadn't slept too well the night before. The nap didn't work out so well either I kept waking up all disoriented thinking I was late for the audit, then next time I woke up I didn't know what day it was. I finally remembered it was Thursday and I needed to go pick up Kambrie from dancing.

Friday - TGIF, I couldn't wait for Friday, I was ready for this week to be over with. I had an appointment after work, Hank picked me up and I went home to have a nap. Later that evening Sidney Zaharias and I went to Stokes to pick up the things we would need for the Achievement Day breakfast the next morning. I stopped up at Southside Electric to see who was scrapping, I was going to go home and get a few things and decided it was too much work to gather up my junk and go. I really need to get somethings organized so I can go next time.

Saturday - Supposed to be a relaxing day off, not. We got up bright and early to get to the church by 8:00 our breakfast is at 9:00. All of the girls and the leaders got to the church and worked really well together in preparing the breakfast. Their parents showed up at 9:00 and we all sat down together and had an enjoyable morning. At least I thought it was, I hope the girls had a good time too. Each girl told about the food group they were assigned and then each girl shared a family history story. It was a busy morning but an enjoyable one as well. Later that afternoon we went to Pocatello to watch the boys football playoff game. It was looking pretty grim at first and I thought for sure we would be finished. But after the half our boys came out a whole new team and went to playing some ball. It was a great game to watch. They came away beating Nampa Christian 29 - 16. Next week they will play at Boise State against Parma, I am looking forward to the game and hope they do well. After the game in Pocatello we had to HURRY back to Burley. Kambrie's tumbling group was performing at the girls basketball game we were hustlin' to get back. As we were driving down the interstate we kept passing all of these pickup trucks with game in the back of them. Hank could see the horns sticking up out of the back, he would have liked to have gotten a better look but we needed to hurry. Sorry dear. LOL!! Cameron rode the bus home from the game was still quite excited when he got home, he had a hard time going to bed, as well as many of the boys I am sure.

Sunday - Well, today is Stake Conference. There was a special meeting for the youth at 9:00 and as usual without any prompting or direction from us telling him he should go he was up and gone. I woke up about 9:00 to find that my breakfast dish mess from the morning before had been taken care of by my dear sweet hubby. The kitchen was clean and the living room was picked up, Thank you!! We went to Stake Conference the speakers were good but Chris and Kim's kids were more entertaining. LOL!! After conference we went with Cameron over to Horace Coltrins where Cameron received his Patriarchial Blessing. Cameron received a wonderful blessing and I am sure many of the things Brother Coltrin said will come to pass. He is a good son and good example, I hope and pray that he will remain focused on continuing to do the right things and fulfilling the missions in life that his Heavenly Father has planned for him.

That wraps up our week, it is probably a good thing I have been blogging otherwise I would never remember. ;)


Kenna said...

I was so glad that Angie mentioned that you could watch the game online- it was amazing. For the first half I was thinking I was glad that we hadn't tried to go but after the half I was totally wishing we were there for all the excitement!
Cameron is a great kid. I think he is one of the boys that Chip has enjoyed working with the most throughout scouting. I thought maybe I was going to have to give him a tissue the day he moved on from deacons! It must be his great parents!

Melanie said...

I should be thanking you. I really appreciate ALL the time Chip has spent w/ Cameron and the other scout boys. He is a good leader and an excellent example to them. I know Chip spends alot of time with the boys and makes sure they get everything done. Cameron wouldn't have been able to accomplish so much w/o such good leaders. Cameron was way bummed to leave Chips group, he needed a tissue too. He says when he is old enough he wouldn't mind being a scout leader like Chip. ;)

Oh, it was a great game mainly the 3rd quarter. :)

Mindy said...

I would like to see what other pictures you have from the breakfast. That one is good. I will have to download it. I like the Hornet on your blog. And those leo's are cute for tumbling!! Get off your fanny and make it to Scrap Night! You are missing out!

Mindy said...

Oh -- and I have a potload of more footballs pics for you. I am excited for the big game!!

Kim & Chris said...

My kids ereen't that funny! :)

Kim & Chris said...

Oops! Can't spell!
My kids weren't that funny! :)

Melanie said...


Kambrie was one happy little photog Saturday morning so there are many pics. I want to see what other pics you have from the game. Oh, and I will make it to scrap night one of these nights. :)


I didn't mean your kids were bad they are just way more funny than mine are right now. I loved Jordan telling Chris to please take him with him when he took Alex out. He sounded so desperate like he was being completely tortured. LOL!! :)

jeff and char said...

Cameron is such a good kid, he is so respectful at mutual and is always willing to help out, he is so nice to everyone that is my favorite thing about him, i tell braden he better be like cameron when he grows up!

jeff and char said...

does kim have a blog??????

Melanie said...

Char, I am so glad to hear he is respectful and willing to help out. I am sure Braden will grow up and be a fine young man as well.

No, Kim does not have a blog she just has an account so she can leave comments. She needs to blog though. ;)