Sunday, January 25, 2009

Last Weeks Happenings 1/19/09

Hmmmm. Let's see what I can remember from last week.

Monday - Today was Martin Luther King day so we didn't have classes at ISU. I went to work and got everything ready for Tuesday's payroll. Not much else went on just went Kambrie had the usual tumbling and voice lessons. Just another day in paradise I guess. LOL!

Tuesday - Today I went to work then met up with Mari to go to Twin for class, I was lucky and got to stay in the earlier class again this week. Tuesday's are so long, class from 12 - 6:30 straight, UGH!!!! I tried to catch bits and pieces of the Inaugural address but was not very successful. Did catch up a bit on the internet later, not really quit sure about how I feel about things just yet. We watched a little American Idol and True Beauty, did homework then went to bed.

Wednesday - Another usual morning went to work then met up with Mari to head to Twin we left a little bit earlier than normal because we did not want to be late getting into the classroom. Today, is the first day we get into the classroom. On my way to Twin Kambrie called me to tell me she was sick, great. What can I do? Well, lucky for me Grandma Joyce was around to pick her up. I felt so bad as I was in the teacher orientation she called me four times to tell me Grandma had taken her home. She thought her dad was home but he was at work, she tried taking care of herself by taking a hot bath, Grandma Joyce had given her some Pepto but still felt sick. She called crying into my machine saying she felt like she was going to throw up for Kambrie this puts her over the edge. She cannot handle it very well. I felt so helpless that I could do nothing for her. A few minutes later I get a message she is going to Grandma Joyce's, whew somebody to take care of her and make her feel better. We were introduced into our 1st grade classroom at Lincoln Elementary school in Twin Falls. This school is so different from our little old school in Declo. I enjoyed my first day there, during the first few minutes one little girl gave me a little heart she had cut out and said it was for me. I read with a little boy that struggles with reading and helped students with their math. It was actually fun to be in the classroom and helping them. When I got home Kambrie was at Grandma's so I went and picked her up, met Hank at the house then went to Rupert to get the truck picked up. I'm not sure what else went on other than Cameron went to mutual, Kambrie stayed home sick.

Thursday - Went to work as usual for the morning then met up with the gals that go Twin.
Dr. Newsome is our instructor for Thursday, he tries to come up things that are fun and make the time pass quickly. Today we learned more about our TWS that are due for this class. I am dreading this assignment, it is one I CANNOT put off until the last minute. Hank took today off from Brewsters because next week he has a big project at Black Hills plus he is working all weekend. Kambrie went to dancing then to basketball practice. Ummm, not remembering what went on that evening. I am losing it.
Friday - Work as usual, I will be glad when Jeff gets back other than he will have a fit with the checks I have written trying to stay caught up with Jim & Larry. Mari & I met up at Penney's so we could carpool to Twin, we are in the classroom again today. It was fun the kids were happy to see us. The kids were all wound up this afternoon as they had three fire drills throughout the morning. I think our CT was about ready to scream. LOL!!! We helped through math then while they went to P.E. she talked to us about our TWS and gave us the information we needed to do the demographics. When I got home from Twin I went over to Black Hills to help Hank with some typing, Cameron went to the Burley/Minico game with Drew then went to a friends to watch movies with a bunch of kids. We just loafed around and didn't do much Friday night.

Saturday - Kambrie had a game at 8, so we were up bright and early to get to that. Her and Macy play on the same team and they did well. They both scored a few points for their team. Grandpa Rod came to watch them play so they were trying to do well. After the game I went home we did a few chores then headed to Burley to get some shelving for my scrapbooking room, mom & I went to the D.I. where I found some good deals. We then had to stop at
Wal-Mart for a few things. Mindy and Scott had invited Kambrie to go swimming with them so she was off with them for the afternoon. I had to be home around 3 because we decided to sell one of our horses. He has been a good horse, but we just don't ride him all that much plus we have two more that Hank is working with. He went to a good home where there are kids eager to ride him. Kinda silly but I cried when he left. I had told Kambrie, Macy, & Sydney I would take them to Mall Cop that evening with explicit instructions not to pester Cameron. Cameron had a double date tonight which he was excited about, they went to Shon Hing's, then to the show. After the movie they came out to the house to play games. They seemed to have a good time. I had to tell Kambrie and her friends to disappear a few times so they were not hovering too much. Hank, mom & I hung my wallpaper boarder in my room. Cameron took his date home and returned we chatted for a bit then went to bed.

Sunday- I did not feel very well so I didn't do much, tried working on some homework, fixed dinner, helped Kambrie with her homework and updated my blog while I waited for Cameron's shirt to finish washing. Now it is time for bed.


Mindy said...

I like your border in your scrap room. Did you find some cool things at DI? McKade will be jealous. Seriously. You took Grandma Marilyn to the DI -- without him. That is a crime.

Yea -- don't put the TWS off till the last minute or you will be officially up the creek without a paddle.

Melanie said...

Thanks, I am hoping to get my shelving put in and the trim done so I can move back in there.

I found some nice clothes for me at the DI that looked like new from Christopher Banks and Maurices. Yes, I thought about the dude when we ventured in there.

TWS - is going to give me MAJOR stress.

Kenna said...

Why are they making you do your 309 class work in Twin?! AGGG- I can't even imagine if I'ld had to have drove down there everyday! Good thing it's the almost the final push, right? Good luck with your TWS- that thing is a bear- let me know if you need to look at mine for reference. I'm not a genius but I did pretty good and on it and sometimes it just helps to see one already done! Soooo glad those days are behind me! Good luck!

Kenna said...

I didn't read Mindy's comment first- I'm sure she's already volunteered her TWS!